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THURSDAY, June 23 

#Why does nothing happen?


1 pm to 3 pm // Lunch

6 pm to 7:30 pm // Dinner

... check out the options offered by the canteens and cafeterias of the Studentenwerk 

9 am to 10 am // Yoga with Jule

It is best to bring your own yoga mat (or another surface on which you can do yoga well).

Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with one. 

10 am to 1 pm // Benedikt Seger
"What is behind your commitment? An expedition into the psychology of collective environmentalism".
[Lecture and Workshop will be both held in German - for translation please write us an E-Mail]

In this approx. 90-minute workshop, we want to take a closer look at our commitment from a psychological perspective. It is aimed at all people who are involved in voluntary, civil society or activist work or have been involved in a group that works for environmental protection, nature conservation, climate justice or similar ecological issues. The first part of the workshop is about events that were important for our engagement. In the second part, we will look at long-term commitment in a group. However, the focus is not on our events, actions or groups themselves, but on the thoughts and feelings we have developed in the process and the collective processes that take place within the group. On the one hand, there is an exchange about our experiences in environmental commitment, on the other hand we repeatedly make reference to psychological processes that, according to current scientific findings, play a role in collective action. 

1 pm to 2 pm // Hedwig Walter - Psychologists for Future
"Die 7 Drachen der Untätigkeit: Psychologische Hintergründe des Nichthandelns in der Klimakrise"
[Workshop will be held in German - for translation please write us an E-Mail]


The knowledge and concern about the climate crisis is present in most people. But why don't we draw the logical conclusions and radically change our habits to contribute to a climate-friendly society?  An answer from a psychological perspective is given by the environmental psychologist Robert Gifford with his model of the "7 Dragons of Inaction" (2011). The aim of the workshop is to get to know some psychological theories and scientific aspects of inaction in the climate crisis, to identify one's own barriers to action and to engage in a joint exchange on this topic.


Beim Klimacamp wird es ein Programm-Board geben. Hier könnt ihr einfach spontan am Tag einen Workshop eintragen. Bspw. könnt ihr einfach andere Personen einladen mit euch über ein bestimmtes Thema zu reden. Dieser "Open Space" wird bei uns in drei Sessions organisiert mit jeweils drei Workshops, die parallel stattfinden. Welche Workshops schon feststehen seht ihr hier.

3 pm to 4 pm // Stefan Scherbaum - TU Dresden
""Principles of Failure and Success - A Systems-Theoretical-Psychological View of Climate Change and How We Deal with It"
[Workshop will be held in German - for translation please write us an E-Mail]

Why do we see so little of climate change when it is approaching us so massively? And why don't we act when it is threatening our livelihoods so massively? The lecture tries to find an answer to these questions and argues with the system-immanent principles that are common to both systems - the climate system and the cognitive system - and from which we can try to gain approaches to solutions.

3 pm to 5 pm // Dominic Memmel - Leipziger Scientists 4 Future
"Mental strength & motivation in the face of the climate crisis"
[Workshop will be held in German - for translation please write us an E-Mail]

The climate crisis also casts its shadow in our emotional apparatus: sometimes we are highly motivated, on other days resignation and depressive moods spread. However, a certain degree of mental strength is one of the necessary conditions for long-term successful activism. The one-hour lecture is dedicated to the basics of a strong psyche in the face of the climate crisis and provides practical insights into the diverse toolbox of mental self-care. Afterwards, there will be enough time for a Q&A session and casual exchange. The following questions will be addressed during the lecture:

  • How do I recognise emerging stress?

  • How can I recognise a depressive phase?

  • Which behaviour patterns are unfavourable - which are good for me?

  • How can I motivate myself?

  • Which valves should I allow myself?

  • How do I strengthen my resilience?

7:30 pm to 8:00 pm // Feedback Session
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