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Meadow behind the center of lecture halls


Bergstraße 64

01069 Dresden

Where does 'Klimacamp Dresden' take place?


We decided to host the climate camp at the meadow behind the Hörsaalzentrum (HSZ).

What are the costs for the climate camp?


The participation at all program points is free, because we want to enable access for everyone! However, we would be glad about a donation that suits your financial possibilities! Donation boxes are located at the food distribution and the meadow behind the center for lecture halls.

Who can participate at the climate camp?


We welcome everybody who wants to discuss the topic climate crisis at TUD and shares our values. Whether you are a newcomer or an old hand, trainee, student or employee of the TUD - we are looking forward for everyone who will join us!


Racism, Sexism, Xenophobia and Discrimination are neither accepted by us nor tolerated on the campsite. We profess stringent non-violence.

Which languages are represented for the information at climate camp?


So far we mostly prepared program points in German. But at registration, you can choose whether you want a translation. Contact us, so we can find a way together for everyone being able to participate!


Still any questions unanswered? You want to praise or critique us?

Just write us an E-Mail:

Thank you for your message :)

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